
Posts Tagged ‘you get the picture’

I. Hate. Getting mad. Being angry. Hating people.

Deep breath.

Today I got mad at someone. Really mad. I blew up at them. Shouted (electronically) at them. Felt hot under the collar and red in the face. Hated them in my heart. Imagined getting into a fight with them. Imagined letting them beat me up just to show everyone how much more Christ-like I am than they are.

Feel free to laugh at this point.

Anger sucks. A lot. Sucks bad. Real bad. Anger makes me feel disgusting inside. The deep-in-your-gut, dirty website, super bad word gross feeling. And you know why? Because anger doesn’t travel alone. Anger rolls with buddies. Friends like fear, doubt, worry, hate, impatience, malice. Do you notice a pattern?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

That’s Galations 5:22 – 23. Kind of the exact opposites of the above listed emotions. When I read this verse and think about these fruits, I want them. I’m happy when they’re in my life. I’m happiest when I’m being loving, when I have joy and peace, when I’m patient with and kind towards my brothers and sisters, when I look for the goodness in people, when I’m full of faith; when I’m gentle and control myself. Call me selfish, but I really want to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit in my life. They make me happy. And more importantly, they bless the people around me. Through me, they edify my brothers and sisters. They are good and helpful for the body of Christ; my peeps.

Dear friend, I’m sorry for being so angry at you today. I trust you to have good intentions behind everything you do and say. It’s not my place to come down on you. I’m kind of a tool.

Dear God. I love your Spirit. I love the fruit of your Spirit in my life. Please fill me more and more with Your Holy Spirit. I’m sorry for being kind of a tool sometimes. Please forgive me for hating my bros.


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