
Archive for September 5th, 2008

Tonight I took a walk. A long walk. I talked aloud to myself for most of it. I’m sure that I would’ve even made some of the street-sleeping ramblers say, “easy there, crazy.” But it was good. I’m often buried underneath my own emotions and boiling thoughts. If they don’t get tossed out on a cold walk, they’ll probably burn me out pretty quickly and severely. 


An interesting concept, isn’t it? To be completely covered, hidden beneath, crushed under.

I want to talk about that a little bit. 

I want to give some advice over the next few weeks. A real “Uncle Sean” time, if you will. I want to talk about the real gritty stuff life has for all of us. And I want to give you and me some real, tangible, gritty ideas about taking care of yourself.

This might get messy, and this might hurt a little bit. It won’t be pretty, but it will be so beautiful. Please stay tuned.

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